Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Susan Emmenegger, LL.M.

Full professor for Private and Banking Law

Department of Private Law

+41 31 684 37 95 (Sekretariat)
D 210
Postal Address
Institute of Banking Law
Schanzeneckstrasse 1 (UniS)
Office D 210
3001 Bern
Consultation Hour
By appointment, arranged through secretariat.

Prof. Dr. Susan Emmenegger

Overview as PDF file:

Curriculum vitae


Academic Functions:

  • Full professor for private law and banking law 
  • Director of the Institute of Banking Law 
  • Co-Director of the Institute of Private Law 
  • Adjunct Professor, Cornell Law School 

Other Functions:

  • Member of the academic council of the Max-Planck-Institute of foreign and international law, Hamburg, Germany 
  • Member of the Swiss Government's Advisory Board on Financial Policy and Regulation 
  • Member of the academic council of the German Banking Law Conference 
  • Co-Editor of the Swiss Review of Business Law (SZW) 
  • Co-Editor of the Journal of Legal Practice and Education (recht) 
  • Editor of the book series "Swiss Banking Law Conference" 
  • Editor for financial markets law of the Review Jusletter. 

Previous Functions:

  • Vice-President of the Swiss Takeover Board (until 2017) 
  • Member of the Brunetti Commission (Swiss government's advisory board on financial policy and regulation; until 2015) 

Curriculum Vitae 

  • 1971–1986 Schools in Fribourg (AFS exchange student, USA) 
  • 1986–1987 Volunteer with the Colombian Red Cross, Cali, Colombia 
  • 1988–1992 Law studies at the University of Fribourg and at the University of Bologna Law Schools, J.D. 
  • 1992–1993 LL.M. degree, Cornell University Law School (Rotary ambassadorial scholar; associate editor of the Cornell International Law Journal) 
  • 1993 Bar exam of the State of New York 
  • 1993–1994 Associate, Thomas Ré & Partners, New York 
  • 1995–1996 Research Assistant, Max-Planck-Institut for foreign and private international law, Hamburg (advising German courts on US law and international private law) 
  • 1996–1997 Law Clerk, district court of Zurich 
  • 1999 PhD degree, University of Fribourg (Thesis: feminist critique of contract law, summa cum laude. Awarded with the Walther Hug award [Switzerland], the Gottlob award [Fribourg Law Faculty], and award for gender studies [University of Fribourg]) 
  • 1999 Bar exam of the canton of Zurich 
  • 1999-2000 Swiss Banking Commission (today: Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authoriy, FINMA) (Licensing of new banks, supervising bank mergers, regulatory enforcement) 
  • 2001–2002 Scholarship, Swiss National Foundation (Habilitation): Hamburg, Berkeley, Paris 
  • 2002–2004 Associate Professor, University of Fribourg, Chair for Private Law 
  • 2004 Habilitation at the University of Fribourg, venia legendi for private law, commercial law and legal theory (Thesis: The Internal Governance of Banks. Foundations for the Coordination between Corporate Law and Supervisory Law) 
  • 2004–2005 Full professor, University of Fribourg, Chair for Private Law 
  • Since 2005 Full professor for Private Law and Banking Law, University of Bern, Director of the Institute of Banking Law, Co-Director of the Institute of Private Law 
  • 2009–2010 Visiting Scholar, European University Institute (Florence) (sabbatical; research: legal methodology, book published in 2012: Commentary of Art. 1 of the Swiss Civil Code, on the application, interpretation, gap filling in Swiss law, 302 p., together with Axel Tschentscher) 
  • Since 2014 Adjunct Professor, Cornell Law School 
  • 2015-2016 Hauser Global Fellow, Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement, New York University Law School